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Free tips on organizing, procrastination, productivity, and budgeting to manage your life.
ORGANIZED PRODUCTIVITY deals with real issues that affect 86% of the population today – disorganization, procrastination, productivity, budgeting. All are byproducts of each other. If you have one of those challenges, chances are you’ll have the others as they all intertwine. OP supports this theory after more than 25 years in business as a Professional Organizing and Productivity Coaching service encompassing the challenges of all 4.
If you procrastinate, you’ll be disorganized and unproductive… If you’re disorganized, you’ll create unproductive habits and both cause procrastination… If you’re feeling unproductive, you’ll develop procrastination which will engulf you in disorganization…Budgeting? Well, do you know the bottom line of what you need to live on annually? Disorganization and procrastination prevents you from making that budget …
Sound all too familiar on every aspect? Does it affect your daily living year in and year out that just seems to have taken your life over? Yes, you’re in the majority of the population who’s feeling the same way and wishing someone would dig them out of the quicksand that’s burying them.
OP provides organizing services to teach you how to declutter your office and home environment, set up systems you, your employees, and family can work efficiently work from. The worldwide web makes it possible to do nationwide virtual sessions in addition to local on-site sessions. “Step Into Action” productivity programs are available to teach you how to move forward with your tasks instead of continually just keeping those thoughts rolling over and over in your head. Entrepreneurs learn how to move their businesses forward, and start-ups learn the steps to get them from A-Z with organized systems increasing their daily productivity approximately 70%+. Let’s make room together for the ever growing need for a home office you didn’t anticipate when you moved in. On-line courses and webinars are in the works for release this year.
When you work with Laura Savino, you gain confidence and control of your life. Your work life gets a major boost, and your personal life is enriched with improved relationships at home and more time to enjoy it all. Sales increase, profits increase, peace of mind and relaxation come to the forefront instead of being pushed to the background for increased quality of life. Mental and emotional clarity powers you forward. Stop procrastinating and book your free Discovery Session with “Dr. DeClutter” as your accountability partner to see you through.