Free tips on organizing, procrastination, productivity, and budgeting to manage your life.
Do you feel drained by the “visual noise” you see around you?
Do you suffer from CHAOS = “can’t have anyone over syndrome”?
You repeatedly print the same pieces of info over and over because you misplaced the first one you printed, or 2nd, or 3rd …..?
Do you frequently say “I shoulda, woulda, coulda” because of indecision?
Do you have undeposited checks or lost $ in your clutter or unchecked lottery tickets you could have won?
Has lack of productivity and clarity turned your energy from postive to negative draining your desire to define and reach your goals?
Does your office or home feel “uncomfortable” and doesn’t reflect who you are?
Are you an “outsider” in your own life instead of participating “in” it and can’t get ahead because you don’t know where you’re going or how to get there…?
Do you have questions you need to research answers for but don’t have time or knowledge to do so? How to, what is, choices are ….?
Are you aware of options available to make decisions and resolve business and personal challenges?
Do you have projects to be started/completed but haven’t established an outline with priorities and deadline dates?
Do you have correspondence that needs to be written but don’t know what to write? Are there disputes you’ve found that need to be followed up on?
Other than your “fixed” bills, do you have any idea what you need to live on including food, gas, toiletries, medical, incidentals you haven’t calculated? Have you thought about where you can save money?
Do you always feel like you are chasing your tail, spinning the wheels inside your head, and not getting caught up?
Do any of these questions sound like you?
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